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Google Books Display Thumbnail in Codeigniter

Using Codeigniter 3, I would like to display a HTML table consisting of some book details, namely Item ID, Item Image and Item Title. I would like to populate the Item Image via Google Books.

So far my code works, in the sense that I can retrieve all the data from the MySQL database and display it in a simple HTML table. However I'm not sure how to populate the image field in the HTML table with the corresponding image from Google Books.

I am retrieving the ISBN from my database, can I use this to lookup the Google Books URL?

I tried to create a foreach as you will see but it doesn't work so I have commented it out. The error message I receive in the foreach is;

Message: Undefined index: items on line 23

My current code is below;


class Items_model extends CI_Model {
    public function itemList() {
        $query = $this->db->get('item', 10);
        return $query->result_array();


class Items extends CI_Controller {

    public function __construct()

    public function index() {
        $data['items'] = $this->items_model->itemList();    
        //foreach ($data['items'] as $row)
        //  $page = //file_get_contents("".$row['item_isbn']); 
        //  $bookData = json_decode($page, true);
        //  $data['BookImage'] = '<img src="'.$bookData['items'][0]['volumeInfo']['imageLinks']['thumbnail'].'" alt="Cover">'; <-- line 23
        $this->load->view('item_view', $data);



<?php foreach ($items as $item): ?>
            <td><?php echo $item['item_id']; ?></td>         
            <td><?php echo $item['item_isbn'] ?></td>    
            <td><?php // what goes here? ?></td>  
            <td><?php echo $item['item_title']; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Any help is appreciated.


  • You need to use the Googlebooks API to get the id of your book.

    First you have to make a request in this way:

    foreach ($items as $item):
    $data = @file_get_contents('".$yourISBN."');
    $data = json_decode($data);
    $data = $data->items[0]->id;
    // Next you have to insert $data(the item_id) inside of one of the 
    followings links:
     //  "smallThumbnail":  "",
     //  "thumbnail": "",
     //  "small": "",
     //  "medium": "",
     // "large": "",
     //  "extraLarge": ""
    $thumbnail = "".$data."&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api";

    And then you've got your thumbnail.

    Note that your id must have this format "zyTCAlFPjgYC". Have a look at the doc