I want to read each lines from an input. Each line is successfully read in a while loop. However the loop ends with the status 1:
$ incr=0
$ while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]] ; do
echo "$incr: $line";
done < <(echo -e "one \ntwo\tthree\nfour")
1: one
2: two three
3: four
$ echo "status ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"
status 1
Why do I get an exit status different than 0?
1 appears to be the exit status of the command ([[ -n "$line" ]]
) that caused the while
loop to exit in the first place. It's possible this is a bug in bash
, or at least an undocumented difference in which command(s) set $?
You can observe the same difference in a much simpler command:
$ while false; do echo foo; done
$ printf '%s\n' "$?" "${PIPESTATUS[@]}"