I am struggeling to build a c++ python wrapper using boost. This might be a very basic question, but I failed to see the answer in the various existing tutorials.
[update: The fist part about how to access the struct data members was solved by xioxox post. The question which is still open is: How do I write the wrapper for the vector inside the struct.]
[original post] My C++ Part looks something like this:
struct Globals {
AClass *a;
BClass *b;
int someInt = 5;
bool check = FALSE;
vector<unsigned short> someData
void func1(Globals* global)
// ...
// a propper inizialisation of the globals a and b Classes
// ...
global->check = global->a->returnSomething1(global->someInt);
global->someData = global->b->returnSomething2();
using namespace boost::python;
.def_readonly("check", &Globals::check)
.def_readwrite("someint", &Globals::someint);
//someData to be done...
def("func1", func1);
With Python I want to create a Globals
Object, set the someInt
inside of it and then pass it to func1
. After the funcion is done I want to read the check
value and if it is true, also the results saved in someData
via python again.
When I import the libary in an IPython console it will give the following result
In [1]: import demo as d
In [2]: T = d.Globals
In [3]: T
Out[3]: demo.Globals
In [4]: T.check
Out[4]: <property at 0xa2c72c8>
In [5]: T.someInt
Out[5]: <property at 0xa2c7278>
In [6]: T.someInt = 5
In [7]: d.func1(T)
Out[7]: <property at 0xa2c7278>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-7-dc39ba21a63e>", line 1, in <module>
ArgumentError: Python argument types in demo.func1(Boost.Python.class)
did not match C++ signature:
func1(struct Globals * __ptr64)
When I try to access the values I only see the C++ pointers. The struct however is changed into a Boost.Python.class
as far as I understand it, I would have to get a pointer from this class and pass this as the Globals*
input. How do I do that?
I also want to access the Vector data (sapGlobal->images.data()
) in python, but I have no idea how to implement the wrapper for it.
Any help with that would be highly appreciated.
[update 2] The vector can be wrapped by including #include <boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp>
and adding the following line to the BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE
class_<vector<unsigned short>>("img")
.def(vector_indexing_suite<vector<unsigned short>>());
As described here
The problem is that T is actually the class you have declared, and not an instance of the class. You need to say
T = d.Globals()
instead of
T = d.Globals