i am trying this Naive Bayes Classifier in python:
classifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(train_set)
print "Naive Bayes Accuracy " + str(nltk.classify.accuracy(classifier, test_set)*100)
i have the following output:
It is clearly visible which words appear more in "important" and which in "spam" category.. But I can't work with these values.. I actually want a list that looks like this:
I am new to python and having a hard time figuring all these out, can anyone help ? I will be very thankful.
You could slightly modify the source code of show_most_informative_features
to suit your purpose.
The first element of the sub-list corresponds to the most informative feature name while the second element corresponds to it's label (more specifically the label associated with numerator term of the ratio).
helper function:
def show_most_informative_features_in_list(classifier, n=10):
Return a nested list of the "most informative" features
used by the classifier along with it's predominant labels
cpdist = classifier._feature_probdist # probability distribution for feature values given labels
feature_list = []
for (fname, fval) in classifier.most_informative_features(n):
def labelprob(l):
return cpdist[l, fname].prob(fval)
labels = sorted([l for l in classifier._labels if fval in cpdist[l, fname].samples()],
feature_list.append([fname, labels[-1]])
return feature_list
Testing this on a classifier trained over the positive/negative movie review corpus of nltk
show_most_informative_features_in_list(classifier, 10)
[['outstanding', 'pos'],
['ludicrous', 'neg'],
['avoids', 'pos'],
['astounding', 'pos'],
['idiotic', 'neg'],
['atrocious', 'neg'],
['offbeat', 'pos'],
['fascination', 'pos'],
['symbol', 'pos'],
['animators', 'pos']]