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Setting Min Value of a Date cell of UltraWinGrid

I have an UltraWinGrid in one of my forms that is used for the user to enter VAT rates into. There are 3 columns:

  • Rate
  • Date From
  • Date To

I need to validate the grid so that if there is a value entered in the "Date From" cell of a row, the user can only enter a minimum value of the "Date From" value + 1 day.

In which method would this go? And how do I do it?

I have tried doing

Private Sub ugVatRates_BeforeCellActivate(sender As Object, e As CancelableCellEventArgs) Handles ugVatRates.BeforeCellActivate

 Dim dateFrom As Date

 If IsDBNull(e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value) = False OrElse e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value <> Nothing Then
   dateFrom = e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value
   e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateTo").MinValue = dateFrom.AddDays(1)
End If

End Sub

However, MinValue is not a valid property here - Any advice?


  • Yes, MinValue and MaxValue are only exposed by UltraGridColumn. However, this will not work in your case. What you can do is handle BeforeCellUpdate event. In this event check if the cell user tries to update is DateTo cell as well as in DateFrom has value. If so you may suppress accepting of the new value by setting e.Cancel to true like this:

        Private Sub ugVatRates_BeforeCellActivate(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeCellUpdateEventArgs) Handles ugVatRates.BeforeCellUpdate
        If e.Cell.Column.Header.Caption = "DateTo" Then
            Dim dateFrom As Date
            Dim dateTo As Date
            If IsDBNull(e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value) = False OrElse e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value <> Nothing Then
                dateFrom = e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateFrom").Value
                dateTo = Date.Parse(e.Cell.Row.Cells("DateTo").Text)
                If dateTo < dateFrom.AddDays(1) Then
                    ' Suppress accepting of new value 
                    e.Cancel = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    When the user enters invalid date you may show a message box to inform him, or use UltraGrid's Data Validation.