Recently we made the first branch of our project's trunk. The trunk is rather large (severals GB's) which doesn't matter for the server, because the branch is made via efficient linking there. In the client working copies however, the project now really does take twice the amount of space (all our WC's are from the repository root).
Since only a few people really need the branch, how can the others ignore (i.e. not download) all the branches using TortoiseSVN?
Users only checking out trunk, as suggested below, is not the solution here. Our structure is as such:
Short solution - switch to /trunk. All who don't need anything else but trunk can just checkout from /root/trunk instead from /root. Anyone who wants a branch should just checkout the branch in another directory.
More elaborate solution - checkout only what you need but maintain tree structure. If you want both the freedom to have it all, and use only those you want then follow these steps:
If someone wants some special branch checked out then after previous two steps:
You can find more on the subject in SVN good book, chapter "Sparse Directories".
There is no shortcut to this procedure to cherry-pick branches. Except for batch file and TortoiseProc.
EDIT: If you already have the whole repository checked out, and now you want to exclude something to save space, use command "Update item to revison" on folder you want excluded with checkout dept "Exclude". According to the manual this option is only available in the Update to revision dialog. I guess it is meant for just this purpose.
Try this first on temporary working copy. I've never done this personally.
UPDATE: From TortoiseSVN 1.7 Checkout dialog has a button "Choose items" that enables you to select only the wanted folders and fetch them in single step. Same button is also available in "Update item to revision" dialog.