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Can webpack only print emmited files info while webpack rebuilt?

I have use these package to comply webpack HMR:

webpack stats config:

stats: {
    assetsSort: 'name',
    children: false,
    chunks: false,
    colors: true,
    warnings: false

use webpack-dev-middleware

const _devMiddleware = require('webpack-dev-middleware')(_compiler, {
  publicPath: _webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
  stats: _webpackConfig.stats

Everytime when I run command npm run dev, the console will print assets info like:

              scripts/app.bundle.js  1.03 MB  50, 100  [emitted]  [big]  app
           scripts/c-actionsheet.js  28.1 kB  61, 100  [emitted]         c-actionsheet
              scripts/c-alphabet.js   110 kB  55, 100  [emitted]         c-alphabet
                  scripts/c-back.js  18.8 kB  46, 100  [emitted]         c-back
                 scripts/c-basic.js   107 kB  74, 100  [emitted]         c-basic
            scripts/c-build-list.js    30 kB  89, 100  [emitted]         c-build-list
         scripts/c-building-info.js  44.4 kB  83, 100  [emitted]         c-building-info

but when I use webpack HMR to rebuild the file that I have changed, the console will print the all assets info, include emmited files and unrelated files, just like:

                scripts/app.bundle.js   1.03 MB  50, 100  [emitted]  [big]  app
             scripts/c-actionsheet.js   28.1 kB  61, 100                    c-actionsheet
                scripts/c-alphabet.js    110 kB  55, 100                    c-alphabet
                    scripts/c-back.js   18.8 kB  46, 100                    c-back
                   scripts/c-basic.js    107 kB  74, 100                    c-basic

I just want to know about the files I've changed, and I don't care about unrelated files info.

So, Can you help me to let webpack only print these emmited files info ?


  • You can set the option stats.cachedAssets to false. With that it only shows the assets that are actually emitted. It doesn't seem to be documented but here is the responsible source line and the definition of showCachedAssets.

    Your stats configuration will be:

    stats: {
        assetsSort: 'name',
        cachedAssets: false,
        children: false,
        chunks: false,
        colors: true,
        warnings: false

    The option is now documented at Configuration - Stats.