To put it simply: When running my Game of Life program, it begins with an empty board of dead cells. If I run the simulation for a single cycle, it should stay empty, as there are no living cells for it to deal with. However, when I run my program, a few small dead cells become 'alive' in the bottom right corner. I'm not certain why this is but I believe it is either due to the way I am checking for living cell neighbours, or in how I display the cells. Here is a picture of what I mean:
#include <SDL.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define CELL_SIZE 10
#define GRID_WIDTH 100
#define GRID_HEIGHT 100
typedef enum {ALIVE, DEAD} State;
typedef struct{
int x;
int y;
State state;
} Cell;
// SDL related functions
SDL_Window *createWindow(char *title);
SDL_Renderer *createRenderer(SDL_Window *window);
void drawGrid(SDL_Renderer *r);
void drawCells(SDL_Renderer *r, int a[][GRID_WIDTH]);
// Game of Life functions
void updateCells(int a[][GRID_WIDTH]); // takes cells array as input
int countLivingNeighbours(int a[][GRID_WIDTH], int x, int y);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
// Initialise SDL
// Create window and renderer
SDL_Window *window = createWindow("Game of Life");
SDL_Renderer *renderer = createRenderer(window);
// Setup event handling + mouse co-ordinate handling
SDL_Event event;
int mouseX, mouseY;
bool mouse_left_down = false;
bool mouse_right_down = false;
// Set all cells to initial state of dead
int cx, cy;
for(cy = 0; cy < GRID_HEIGHT; cy++){
for(cx = 0; cx < GRID_WIDTH; cx++){
cells[cy][cx] = DEAD;
// Handle events/input
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0){
case SDL_QUIT: // Check if user has quit
return 1;
// Check if user is HOLDING left or right mouse button
case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: mouse_left_down = !mouse_left_down; break;
case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: mouse_right_down = !mouse_right_down; break;
// If user presses space, simulate a single change
if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE)
// Get user mouse button input - left click gives life to cell at current co-ords, right click kills
SDL_GetMouseState(&mouseX, &mouseY);
if(mouse_left_down == true)
cells[mouseY / CELL_SIZE][mouseX / CELL_SIZE] = ALIVE;
else if(mouse_right_down == true)
cells[mouseY / CELL_SIZE][mouseX / CELL_SIZE] = DEAD;
// Set screen colour to white
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
// Render white to screen (clear screen)
// Draw the grid and living cells
drawCells(renderer, cells);
// Update screen
// Exit SDL and SDL_image
return 0;
1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
void updateCells(int a[][GRID_WIDTH]){
int cy, cx; // vertical count, horizontal count
for(cy = 0; cy < GRID_HEIGHT; cy++){
for(cx = 0; cx < GRID_WIDTH; cx++){
// Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by underpopulation.
if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE && countLivingNeighbours(a, cx, cy) < 2)
new[cy][cx] = DEAD;
// Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
else if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE && (countLivingNeighbours(a, cx, cy) == 2 || countLivingNeighbours(a, cx, cy) == 3))
new[cy][cx] = ALIVE;
// Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
else if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE && countLivingNeighbours(a, cx, cy) > 3)
new[cy][cx] = DEAD;
// Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
else if(a[cy][cx] == DEAD && countLivingNeighbours(a, cx, cy) == 3)
new[cy][cx] = ALIVE;
new[cy][cx] = DEAD;
// Update all cells into new states
for(cy = 0; cy < GRID_HEIGHT; cy++){
for(cx = 0; cx < GRID_WIDTH; cx++){
a[cy][cx] = new[cy][cx];
// Should ideally check if a cell even exists before checking its state
int countLivingNeighbours(int a[][GRID_WIDTH], int x, int y){
int count = 0, cx, cy;
for(cy = y - 1; cy <= y + 1; cy++){
for(cx = x - 1; cx <= x + 1; cx++){
// Ensure neighbouring cell is not out of bounds
if(!(cy < 0 || cx < 0 || cy > GRID_HEIGHT || cx > GRID_WIDTH)){
// If there is a living neighbouring cell, add to count
if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE)
// disregard current cell as it is not a neighbour
if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE && cx == x && cy == y)
return count;
void drawGrid(SDL_Renderer *r){
// Draw vertical grid lines
for(int v = CELL_SIZE; v < SCREEN_WIDTH; v += CELL_SIZE){
// Set draw colour to grey
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(r, 110, 110, 110, 110);
// Draw vertical line
SDL_RenderDrawLine(r, v, 0, v, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
// Draw horizontal grid lines
for(int h = CELL_SIZE; h < SCREEN_HEIGHT; h += CELL_SIZE){
// Set draw colour to grey
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(r, 110, 110, 110, 110);
// Draw horizontal line
SDL_RenderDrawLine(r, 0, h, SCREEN_WIDTH, h);
void drawCells(SDL_Renderer *r, int a[][GRID_WIDTH]){
// Define cell width/height
SDL_Rect cellRect;
cellRect.w = CELL_SIZE + 1; // Same size as one cell +1 so it covers the grid line fully
cellRect.h = CELL_SIZE + 1; // Same size as one cell +1 so it covers the grid line fully
// Draw living cells
int cx, cy;
for(cy = 0; cy < GRID_HEIGHT; cy++){
for(cx = 0; cx < GRID_WIDTH; cx++){
if(a[cy][cx] == ALIVE){
// Set cell x/y pos
cellRect.x = cx * CELL_SIZE;
cellRect.y = cy * CELL_SIZE;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(r, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SDL_RenderFillRect(r, &cellRect);
SDL_Window *createWindow(char *title){
SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow(
title, // Title
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, // Initial window x position
SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, // Initial window y position
SCREEN_WIDTH, // Window Width
SCREEN_HEIGHT, // Window Height
0 // Flags
if(window == NULL){
printf("Failed to create window. %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return window;
SDL_Renderer *createRenderer(SDL_Window *window){
SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(
window, // Window
-1, // Monitor index (-1 for first available)
if(renderer == NULL){
printf("Failed to create renderer. %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return renderer;
Strangely, this only seems to happen when GRID_WIDTH and GRID_HEIGHT are set to higher values. It happens when both are 100, and the program just hangs/crashes if the GRID_WIDTH is set to 150, but setting them both to a lower value (I tested with 30) and everything works smoothly.
Any help much appreciated :)
// Ensure neighbouring cell is not out of bounds if(!(cy < 0 || cx < 0 || cy > GRID_HEIGHT || cx > GRID_WIDTH)){
This check is wrong. If cy is equal to GRID_HEIGHT or cx is equal to GRID_WIDTH it is still out of bounds. That's because the bottom-right cell has coordinates GRID_HEIGHT-1 and GRID_WIDTH-1.
Of course, it should be:
if(!(cy < 0 || cx < 0 || cy >= GRID_HEIGHT || cx >= GRID_WIDTH)){