I have a cell array that is of size approximately 900k x 1
which contains dates in the format '5/13/2015 23:53'
. I'm trying to create an integer array of the same length that contains just the hour in each date cell. What's the fastest/best way to do this?
Edit I only have access to the following toolboxes:
MATLAB Version 8.6 (R2015b)
Simulink Version 8.6 (R2015b)
Control System Toolbox Version 9.10 (R2015b)
DSP System Toolbox Version 9.1 (R2015b)
Image Processing Toolbox Version 9.3 (R2015b)
Instrument Control Toolbox Version 3.8 (R2015b)
Optimization Toolbox Version 7.3 (R2015b)
Signal Processing Toolbox Version 7.1 (R2015b)
Simulink Control Design Version 4.2.1 (R2015b)
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 10.1 (R2015b)
Symbolic Math Toolbox Version 6.3 (R2015b)
datesmat = datevec(Dates);
hours = datesmat(:,4);
Hours = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(end-4:end-3)), Dates, 'UniformOutput', false));
Elapsed time is 90.233473 seconds.
Elapsed time is 14.168023 seconds.
You can use hour method.
Hour = hour({'5/13/2015 21:53', '5/13/2015 23:53'})
Hours =
21 23
Example without financial toolbox:
Dates = {'5/13/2015 21:53', '5/13/2015 23:53'};
Hours = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) str2double(x(end-4:end-3)), Dates, 'UniformOutput', false));