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redux-saga when to use fork?

what would be the difference between the two approaches below?

export function* watchLoginUser() {
  yield takeEvery(USER_LOGIN, loginUser)
export function* watchLogoutUser() {
  yield takeEvery(USER_LOGOUT, logoutUser)
export function* watchGetParties() {
  yield takeEvery(PARTIES_GET, getParties)
export default function* root() {
  yield [
export default function* root() {
  yield [
    takeEvery(USER_LOGIN, loginUser),
    takeEvery(USER_LOGOUT, logoutUser),
    takeEvery(PARTIES_GET, getParties)

When do I need to use fork and when not?


  • In general, fork is useful when a saga needs to start a non-blocking task. Non-blocking here means: the caller starts the task and continues executing without waiting for it to complete.

    There is a variety of situations where this can be useful, but the 2 main ones are:

    • grouping sagas by logical domain
    • keeping a reference to a task in order to be able to cancel/join it

    Your top-level saga can be an example of the first use-case. You'll likely have something like:

    yield fork(authSaga);
    yield fork(myDomainSpecificSaga);
    // you could use here something like yield [];
    // but it wouldn't make any difference here

    Where authSaga will likely include things like:

    yield takeEvery(USER_REQUESTED_LOGIN, authenticateUser);
    yield takeEvery(USER_REQUESTED_LOGOUT, logoutUser);

    You can see that this example is equivalent to what you suggested, calling with fork a saga yielding a takeEvery call. But in practice, you only need to do this for code organisation purposes. takeEvery is itself a forked task, so in most cases, this would be uselessly redundant.

    An example of the second use-case would be something like:

    const task = yield fork(monitorUserProfileUpdates);
    yield take(USER_SIGNED_OUT);
    yield cancel(task);

    You can see in this example that the monitorUserProfileUpdates will execute while the caller saga resumes, and gets to wait to the USER_SIGNED_OUT action to be dispatched. It can in addition keep a reference to it in order to cancel it when needed.

    For the sake of completeness, there is another way to start non-blocking calls: spawn. fork and spawn differ in how errors and cancellations bubble from child to parent saga.