I got a convoluted transaction csv. I need to extract data that begins at a certain line / field containing a string "Transaktion" and also to skip the last line of (each) csv.
I can make AWK find the starting line and process then all following. That is fine, but I can't add a way to skip last line.
/^Transaktionen/,/^$/ {
print $2 FS $3 FS $4}
You can use this awk
awk '/^Transaktionen/{p=1; next} p {
if (c2 != "") print c2, c3, c4; c2=$2; c3=$3; c4=$4}' file.csv
Try this awk script:
#OFS=FS=";" ;
#print $0;
print "Datum2;Zahlart3;TXN Kundendetails4 - KundenID5;Beschreibung6;Betrag7;Gebuehr10;Disagio11;Auszahlungsbetrag12";
#einnahmen = "Transaktionen";
#erstattung = "Refunds";
/^Transaktionen/{p=1; next} p {
if (c2 != "")
print c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 , c7 ,c10, c11, c12;
c2=$2; c3=$3; c4=$4; c5=$5; c6=$6; c7=$7; c10=$10; c11=$11; c12=$12;