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Check single-occurrence in source code with PHP Codeception acceptance test

How can I check that a specific $string (f.e. 123) only occurs within a specific HTML element but not outside or anywhere else using PHP/Codeception acceptance tests?

Example which would be fine:

<html><body>foobar 234<div id="original">123</div></body></html>

Example which should fail #1 (text occurrence):

<html><body>foobar 123<div id="original">123</div></body></html>

Example which should fail #2 (link occurrence):

    <div id="original">123</div>
    <a href="/link/123">Link</a>

What I've tried on tests other than that specific page:


Now I would need something like

$I->seeInPageSourceElement($original, '#original');

$I->dontSeeInPageSourceExceptElement($original, '#original');
// could be implemented like this:
$pageSourceWithoutElement = str_replace(
$I->assertNotContains($original, $pageSourceWithoutElement);

Reason: I have two versions, where one version is alias for another (called "original"). I want to make sure only the alias is used everywhere except on the "show original" page, where the alias defition is shown.


  • I found a solution:

    • detach element with jQuery (requires the test page to use it)
    • do regular test
    • re-attach element

    Not the perfect solution, but it works.

        public function dontSeeInPageSourceExceptElement($text, $excludeSelector)
            $I = $this;
            // check for positive occurrence in exclude selector (optional)
            // $I->see($text, $excludeSelector);
            // detach the selected element
            // Problem: append() just re-attaches the element, but this might not be the right position
                    // s = subject, p = parent, bs = backup of subject
                    "var s = $(%s), p = s.parent(), bs = s.detach(); " .
                    "setTimeout(function() { p.append(bs); }, 2000);",
            // check for negative occurrence now
            // wait 2 seconds (re-attach timeout)