I am trying to tap on the first element of a matching text in my app.
However at the moment i am receiving an error telling me there are multiple matches due to my current line of code.
onView(allOf(withId(R.id.offerSummaryLayout))).perform(RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItem(Matchers.allOf(hasDescendant(withText("Online sale"))), click()));
How can I change this so it clicks on the first matching element? Thanks in advance
If you have multiple matches and you only care about the first one, you can create a custom matcher. This one here should work just fine.
Then you can do things like that (I simplified your code a bit - you don't need Matchers.allOf
if you have only a single condition):
.actionOnItem(first(hasDescendant(withText("Online sale"))), click()));