Is there any chance i could join two tables like this ?
while select SalesId from salesTable
//group by SalesId
where salesTable.SalesId == "xxx006932683"
join firstOnly SalesPrice, ItemId, LineNum from salesLine
//group by SalesId
order by salesLine.LineDisc asc, salesLine.SalesPrice desc
where salesLine.SalesId == salesTable.SalesId
info(strFmt("Sales id : %1 line %2 item %3 price %4", salesLine.SalesId, salesLine.LineNum, salesLine.ItemId, salesLine.SalesPrice));
So, for each line in SalesTable
, join it with the only one line in SalesLine
with the same SalesId
and satisfying the order condition.
To be honest, i have tried a lot of groupings and orderings and maxOfs, minOfs with no success... so here i am asking for an idea.
I have to admit this is the most strangest query I have written so far :
SalesQuotationTable salesQuotationTable;
SalesQuotationLine salesQuotationLine;
CustQuotationSalesLink custQuotationSalesLink;
CustQuotationJour custQuotationJour;
while select maxof(QuotationId), maxof(CurrencyCode) from salesQuotationTable
group by QuotationId, CurrencyCode, RecId
where salesQuotationTable.QuotationStatus == SalesQuotationStatus::Sent
&& salesQuotationTable.QuotationType == QuotationType::Sales
//&& salesQuotationTable.QuotationId == '00015683_042' just for testing
join maxof(lineNum), minof(lineAmount), maxof(QuotationId) from salesQuotationLine
group by lineNum, lineAmount, QuotationId, RecId
where salesQuotationLine.QuotationId == salesQuotationTable.QuotationId
&& salesQuotationLine.QuotationStatus == SalesQuotationStatus::Sent
&& salesQuotationLine.QuotationType == QuotationType::Sales
&& salesQuotationLine.SalesQty > 0
//duplicate values were coming from here, grouping was the way to go
join maxof(QuotationDate), maxof(QuotationId) from custQuotationSalesLink
group by OrigQuotationId
where custQuotationSalesLink.OrigQuotationId == salesQuotationTable.QuotationId
join maxof(QuotationDate) from custQuotationJour
order by custQuotationJour.QuotationId
where custQuotationJour.QuotationId == custQuotationSalesLink.QuotationId
&& custQuotationJour.QuotationDate == custQuotationSalesLink.QuotationDate
A few notes:
1. Instead of
select firstonly custQuotationSalesLink
order by QuotationDate desc, QuotationId desc
where custQuotationSalesLink.OrigQuotationId == this.QuotationId
I have used
join maxof(QuotationDate), maxof(QuotationId) from custQuotationSalesLink
group by OrigQuotationId
where custQuotationSalesLink.OrigQuotationId == salesQuotationTable.QuotationId
The party starts here, from what i have seen, once using a group by, all the fields from the other tables seem to be empty. So the solution is to add group by everywhere.
You see i am adding the RecId into groupings to be sure i am not really grouping anything :)
In order to get fields with values you have to add an aggregate function in the select clause. Ok , cool, why not, as long as i am not grouping for real.
2. But the catch for me was at the last part:
join maxof(QuotationDate) from custQuotationJour
order by custQuotationJour.QuotationId
where custQuotationJour.QuotationId == custQuotationSalesLink.QuotationId
&& custQuotationJour.QuotationDate == custQuotationSalesLink.QuotationDate
That order by did the trick. I don t know why. If i switch it with a group by which seems normal to me, i get duplicated values. So all the groupings added before are just losing their relevance. I guess sometimes a bit of luck has to join the game too. I mean, why thinking at order by there. Maybe because it s Wednesday, i don t know.
I had to use some aggregation on the last join because otherwise i wouldn t have got a value for the QuotationDate
field which in fact is the whole goal of this work.
This link helped me a lot :