I'm using a raw post since I'm using react native and I didn't see a react-native library.
I'm getting a 403 response when trying to upload using the raw upload form post- is there a setting that I need to set or is my public key not activated or something? I don't see a text response in the 403 response so not sure what the specific error is.
Here's my sample CURL from postman
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=..."
-F "file=@logo.jpg" "https://upload.uploadcare.com/base/"
Here are few things you should look at:
This works:
curl -vv -X POST \
-F "UPLOADCARE_PUB_KEY=demopublickey" \
-F "file=@logo.png" "https://upload.uploadcare.com/