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oscarcommerce catalogue import

I have a magento2 project. I want to import product catalog in magento 2 into django oscarcommerce. The official documentaion explains an importer ( But that they are not supporting because its buggy. I tried to figure out how it works. But I couldn't find the source csv file to test with.

Is there any module/scripts which convert data in magento2 to oscar commerce? I checked This thread, but didn't get any idea about it.


  • It's not too difficult to write custom importer code if you check the source code for the django-oscar importer. I have done this myself, and here are the most important steps:

    1/ Get or create a ProductClass instance

    product_class = ProductClass.objects.get_or_create(name='<some_name>')

    2/ Create a category string for your next product. This string is in the format 'main_category>sub_category>even_deeper_category'. Eg: 'Books>Fiction>Thriller'

    category_string = create_from_breadcrumbs('some>string>here')

    3/ Create your product

    product = Product.objects.get_or_create(upc=upc)
    product.product_class = product_class
    product.title = ...

    4/ Update ProductCategory for this new product (it is made out of a category string and a product)

    ProductCategory.objects.update_or_create(product=product, category=category_string)

    5/ Next you need to update Partner info (every product needs a Partner record, this is where the pricing info is stored). If you create the products yourself and don't use partners, just make up some random name.

    partner = Partner.objects.get_or_create(name='Partner_Name')
    importer = CatalogueImporter(logger=None)

    You can check my source code here, but some of it is in Dutch. You can always ask me if you have any questions. I am also using a csv file to populate my database, through a custom Django management command.