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paydaycap paydaycapVH junk logins

Screenshot of Admin => Customers

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Strange Activities : I am getting lots of junk account creation on my magento website. This leads to lot of bounced emails, and hurting my domain authority.

I regularly ban ip addresses who access open ports of magento randomly. I am thinking of capturing ip addresses while they create account and ban those ip addresses as-well.

How to stop these Junk users / Spammers ?


  • You may follow below steps :

    1. Install McAFee Secure to Your website & Have your website Pass the Security Checks

    2. Enable Magento Default Captcha Follow this Steps

    OR Install ReCaptcha Plugin to Your Frontend's Registration & Login Page

    OR Install Magento Extension for Captcha : Simpler Captcha

    1. Enable Captcha to Your Administrator Login. Follow this Steps.

    2. (Optional) Enable SSL on Magento. Follow this Steps.

    Hope this will definitely help you.