Expanding upon this example: Copying a file to multiple folders in the same directory
I want to copy all file .txt from C:\Newfolder\
to folder C:\Output\*\rack\*\cloth
example for destination folder:
so I have tried this:
FOR /D %%1 IN (C:\Output\*) DO (
IF EXIST "%%1\rack" (
COPY /Y C:\Newfolder\*.txt "%%1\rack\*\cloth"
the problem all txt file doesn't copied to destination folder
If you use the same FOR /D
method for each unknown subfolder name then you should get to where you want to be:
FOR /D %%A IN ("C:\Output\*") DO IF EXIST "%%A\rack\" FOR /D %%B IN ("%%A\rack\*"
) DO IF EXIST "%%B\cloth\" COPY /Y "C:\Newfolder\*.txt" "%%B\cloth"