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Infinite redirecting loop CoovaChilli

I'm working with an accesspoint with OPENWRT and I want to redirect the hosts connected via Wifi to a concrete page. The problem is that when I turn on the browser appears infinite loop saying "redirecting", and this all the time. I have tried to modify the chilli config file by adding:


but I'm still having the same problem. Could someone help me?

This is my html code to redirect the hosts:

           <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=" />
              <font size="3" face="verdana" color="black">

Thank you


  • Try with this, edit this file: /etc/config/coovachilli, at the end of this file:

    config general 'hotspot2'
        option mode 'norad'
        option net ''
        option enabled '1'
        option externalpage '1'
        option uamlogoutip ''
        option defidletimeout '600'
        option defsessiontimeout '600'
        option period '3'
        option day '1'
        option externadress ''

    enabled '1' enables the wifi

    external page '1' enables the option to redirect you to a requiered page when you connect to wifi

    externadress defines the adrees where you want to be redirected

    Don't touch the other options, they are configured by default.
