I have written a F# script in FSI using Ionide in VS Code. It's a great tool, but I am getting a warning from Ionide Lint suggesting a code improvement:
Seq.map f (Seq.map g x)
might be able to be refactored intoSeq.map (g >> f) x
I have about 6 Seq.map functions all piped together with |> which I am happy with.
There is also a green wiggly line that is annoying me. I don't agree with the suggestion, and want the wiggly line to go away. How can I tell Ionide to stop making this suggestion?
I have turned off Lint globally in the VS Code settings
"FSharp.linter": false,
I think Ionide uses FsharpLint: http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharpLint/
This supports suppressing of lint messages like this:
[<SuppressMessage("NameConventions", "InterfaceNamesMustBeginWithI")>]
type Printable =
abstract member Print : unit -> unit
Something like that might work for you as well. I just turned it off.