Search code examples

Update Many-to-Many only Delete Not Insert

I have the following 3 entities:

public class Event
    #region Fields

    private float cost;
    private DateTime dateEnd;
    private DateTime dateIni;
    private string description;
    private int disciplineId;
    private int id;
    private float latitude;
    private int limit;
    private string locationDescription;
    private string locationTitle;
    private float longitude;
    private int organizationId;
    private string presentationImg;
    private bool status;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    public Event()
        this.Sponsors =  new HashSet<EventOrganizations>();
        this.EventModes = new HashSet<EventModes>();
        this.Status = true;

    #endregion Constructors

    #region Properties

    public float Cost
        get { return cost; }
        set { cost = value; }

    public DateTime DateEnd
        get { return dateEnd; }
        set { dateEnd = value; }

    public DateTime DateIni
        get { return dateIni; }
        set { dateIni = value; }

    public string Description
        get { return description; }
        set { description = value; }

    public virtual Discipline Discipline
        get; set;

    public int DisciplineId
        get { return disciplineId; }
        set { disciplineId = value; }

    public virtual ICollection<EventModes> EventModes

    public int Id
        get { return id; }
        set { id = value; }

    public float Latitude
        get { return latitude; }
        set { latitude = value; }

    public int Limit
        get { return limit; }
        set { limit = value; }

    public string LocationDescription
        get { return locationDescription; }
        set { locationDescription = value; }

    public string LocationTitle
        get { return locationTitle; }
        set { locationTitle = value; }

    public float Longitude
        get { return longitude; }
        set { longitude = value; }

    public virtual Organization Organization
        get; set;

    public int OrganizationId
        get { return organizationId; }
        set { organizationId = value; }

    public virtual Page Page
        get; set;

    public string PresentationImg
        get { return presentationImg; }
        set { presentationImg = value; }

    public virtual ICollection<EventOrganizations> Sponsors
        get; set;

    public bool Status
        get { return status; }
        set { status = value; }

    #endregion Properties

public class EventOrganizations
    #region Fields

    private int eventId;
    private int organizationId;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Properties

    public virtual Event Event
        get; set;

    public int EventId
        get { return eventId; }
        set { eventId = value; }

    public virtual Organization Organization
        get; set;

    public int OrganizationId
        get { return organizationId; }
        set { organizationId = value; }

    #endregion Properties

public class Organization
    #region Fields

    private string description;
    private int id;
    private string logo;
    private bool status;
    private string url;

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    public Organization()
        this.Status = true;
        this.Events = new HashSet<Event>();
        this.EventSponsored = new HashSet<EventOrganizations>();

    #endregion Constructors

    #region Properties

    public string Description
        get { return description; }
        set { description = value; }

    public virtual ICollection<Event> Events
        get; set;

    public virtual ICollection<EventOrganizations> EventSponsored
        get; set;

    public int Id
        get { return id; }
        set { id = value; }

    public string Logo
        get { return logo; }
        set { logo = value; }

    public bool Status
        get { return status; }
        set { status = value; }

    public string Url
        get { return url; }
        set { url = value; }

    #endregion Properties


    .HasKey(i => new { i.EventId, i.OrganizationId });

            .HasRequired(i => i.Event)
            .WithMany(i => i.Sponsors)
            .HasForeignKey(i => i.EventId)

            .HasRequired(i => i.Organization)
            .HasForeignKey(i => i.OrganizationId)

Now in EventOrganizations table I have:

    EventId OrganizationId
    7       6
    8       6
    9       6

let's say I want to perform an update action over row (9,6), for this I'm sending:

      "Id": 9,
      "Sponsors": [{

My update method:

      public void Update(Event entity)
      var existingEvent = context.Events
                                    .Include(x => x.EventModes)
                                    .Include(x => x.Sponsors)
                                    .Where(x => x.Id ==           entity.Id).FirstOrDefault<Event>();

      var addedSponsors = entity.Sponsors.Except(existingEvent.Sponsors, x => x.OrganizationId).ToList<EventOrganizations>();
      var deletedSponsors = existingEvent.Sponsors.Except(entity.Sponsors, x => x.OrganizationId).ToList<EventOrganizations>();
      deletedSponsors.ForEach(c => existingEvent.Sponsors.Remove(c));    
      foreach (EventOrganizations c in addedSponsors)
        if (context.Entry(c).State == EntityState.Detached)


I don't get why is performing just delete and not insert the new attached entity over the EventOrganizations table


  • Since "EventOrganizations" object contains both Id on post, you should use

         foreach (EventOrganizations c in addedSponsors)

    The issue is that when adding a children to an Entity in an ICollection, the parent Id should not be mapped. So you can add Sponsors to the table directly, or you can remove the "EventId" value from the posted data and add it to the "Sponsors" collection.