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Does data needs to have a specific format to upload it in Docker?

I would like to know if there is a specific way to upload data to Docker, I've been stuck on this during a week and I am sure the answer will be something simple. Does anyone know? I am working with a windows 10 machine.


  • You can use the docker cp command to copy the file.

    For eg: If you want to copy abc.txt to location /usr/local/folder inside some docker container(you can get docker container name from NAMES column by executing command docker ps.) then you just execute,

    docker cp abc.txt ContainerName:/usr/local/folder

    (abc.txt is a local to the foler from where you are executing the command. You can provide the full path of the file.)

    After this just get into the container by,

    docker exec -it ContainerName bash

    then cd /usr/local/folder. you will see your file copied their.