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Using TSQL and For XML Path to generate XML output

I have 3 temp tables all populated by 3 independent queries and are associated to each other with a 1 to 1 relationship, these tables are DemographicRecord, GPRegistrationDetails, MaternityBookingDetails. The columns are different between all 3 but each share the PatientID key. My question is using XML Path how can I output XML from the 3 related datasets following the format below.


So far I have tried:

(SELECT * FROM #temp2 
JOIN #temp ON #temp2.LocalPatientIdMother = #temp.LocalPatientIdMother
JOIN #temp3 ON #temp2.LocalPatientIdMother = #temp3.LocalPatientIdMother
FOR XML PATH('MAT001'), TYPE) AS 'MAT001MothersDemographics' 
FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('root')

But this is not the correct shape, can someone advise how I can use TSQL and FOR XML PATH effectively so I can generate the above output? I am currently getting the demographics repeated for every record before the other data is displayed?



  • I try a quick shot:

    SELECT t.*
             SELECT * 
             FROM #temp2 AS t2 
             WHERE t.LocalPatientIdMother=t2.LocalPatientIdMother
             FOR XML PATH('MAT003GPPracticeRegistration'),TYPE
           ) AS [*]
             SELECT * 
             FROM #temp3 AS t3 
             WHERE t.LocalPatientIdMother=t3.LocalPatientIdMother
             FOR XML PATH('MAT101BookingAppointmentDetail'),TYPE
           ) AS [*]
    FROM #temp AS t
    FOR XML PATH('MAT001MothersDemographics');

    This will return all columns of #temp1 and will nest the related rows of #temp2 and #temp3. This is based on the assumption, that you have one record for the given ID in each table only...