I am trying to do a query which pulls a date based on a name from a cell that contains many names separated by commas that was created by a Google form.
This using the wildcards will pull all the dates from any name that is in B except give an error when the name contains an apostrophe:
=QUERY("SOURCE", "select max(D) where (B like '%"&$A$7&"%') Label max(D) ''", 0)
Alternatively, often times B only has a single name so I can run the following query and pull the date I need if B only has a single name even with an apostrophe.
=QUERY("SOURCE", "select max(D) where (B like """&$A$7&""") Label max(D) ''", 0)
What I can't figure out is how to use the wildcard characters and escape the apostrophe at the same time.
Maybe filter() is easier to use in this situation? Assuming names are separated with a comma (and a space), try
=if(len(G4)*len(F6), max(filter(B3:B, regexmatch(A3:A, G6), regexmatch(C3:C, F6))),)
Change ranges to suit. If that doesn't help, please share an example spreadsheet.