I have a R list of strings and I want to get the last element of each
string_thing <- "I_AM_STRING"
Split <- str_split(string_thing, "_")
but how can I do this with a list of strings?
string_thing <- c("I_AM_STRING", "I_AM_ALSO_STRING_THING")
Split <- str_split(string_thing, "_")
#desired result
answer <- c("STRING", "THING")
As the comment on your question suggests, this is suitable for gsub
gsub("^.*_", "", string_thing)
I'd recommend you take note of the following cases as well.
string_thing <- c("I_AM_STRING", "I_AM_ALSO_STRING_THING", "AM I ONE", "STRING_")
gsub("^.*_", "", string_thing)
[1] "STRING" "THING" "AM I ONE" ""