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How to create a chart which consists of 5 subcharts

I'm trying to create a Chart image which consists of five subcharts.(see Picture)


The X Axis of the Chart should be the same for all 5 subcharts.

How can I realize that with MS Chart Controls?

Currently I'm creating all five Charts, but I have no idea how I can merge the xAxis and how to fit all 5 subcharts into an Image file or Chart.

Thanks for you help in advance!


  • MsChart allows multiple ChartArea. Each chart area can have multiple Series. As per your screen designs, there will be 5 Chart areas. Each ChartArea will have 1 series added to it.

    var chartArea1 = MyChart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea 1");
    var chartArea5 = MyChart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea 5");

    Add Series to charts and assign the chart area

    MyChart.Series[0].ChartArea = chartArea1.Name;
    MyChart.Series[5].ChartArea = chartArea5.Name;

    Now, to have a common X axis, assign the

    chartArea1.AlignWithChartArea = chartArea5.Name;
    chartArea2.AlignWithChartArea = chartArea5.Name;

    You can also refer the link for MSChart.

    Update for Chart Area placement Below code is to shows how to position the chart areas within a chart control. Note:- X and Y position are in percentage rather then pixels, twips, etc.

    chartArea1.Position.Y = 0;
    chartArea1.Position.Height = 43;
    chartArea1.Position.Width = 100;
    chartArea2.Position.Y = chartArea1.Position.Bottom + 1;
    chartArea2.Position.Height = chartArea1.Position.Height;
    chartArea2.Position.Width = chartArea1.Position.Width;