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Want to add suffix before file name extension with excel vba

I have below code that adds listed suffix and prefix to file names listed in "B" column. But problem is, it adds suffix after file extension. I want to add text at the end of file names. i.e if file name is test.txt and I want, 1test9.txt but code renames it as 1test.txt9

Sub Add_Pre_Suf()
Dim Pre, Suf As String
Dim r As Range
Pre = Range("C2").Value
Suf = Range("D2").Value
'Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Range("B2:B" & Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Select
With Selection

    For Each r In Selection
        r.Value = Pre & r.Value & Suf

End With
End Sub


  • This should do the job nicely:-

    Sub Add_Pre_Suf()
            ' 21 Mar 2017
            Dim Pre As String, Suf As String
            Dim Splt() As String
            Dim Ext As String
            Dim R As Long, Rend As Long
            Pre = Range("C2").Value
            Suf = Range("D2").Value
            Rend = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
            For R = 2 To Rend
                With Cells(R, 2)                     ' 2 = "B"
                    If Len(.Value) Then
                        Splt = Split(.Value, ".")
                        Ext = Splt(UBound(Splt))
                        ReDim Preserve Splt(UBound(Splt) - 1)
                        .Value = Pre & " " & Trim(Join(Splt, ".")) & " " & Suf & "." & Ext
                    End If
                End With
            Next R
        End Sub

    Be a little careful about when you call this code because it doesn't specify the sheet, therefore working on the ActiveSheet. I wouldn't call the 'RenameFiles' procedure without first checking that the names are indeed what I expect them to be.

    Note that Range("C2") might be referred to as Cells(2, 3)