Assume that you have a table with user name, counter and score for each counter.
data have;
input user $ counter score;
A 1 50
A 3 30
A 6 90
B 1 20
B 4 20
Some scores are missing beween some counters, and you want to put the same score as previous counter. So the result will look like below:
A 1 50
A 2 50
A 3 30
A 4 30
A 5 30
A 6 30
B 1 20
B 2 20
B 3 20
B 4 20
I tried to solve it with lag
and if first.user then
but it is jumping to the counter 3 after counter 1 like below:
data have_new;
set have;
by user;
if first.user then do;
x = counter;
y = score;
else do;
counter = x +1;
score = y;
I can't come up with a solution.
I see this as a look-ahead problem. You can you merge with firstobs=2 to look ahead to see what the value of counter on the next record is.
Below uses a trick I think I learned from one of Mark Keintz's many lag and lead papers (e.g. Where use an extra SET statement with a BY statement to make first. and last. variables.
data want;
*This SET statement with BY statement is just to have by group processing;
set have(keep=user);
by user;
*Look ahead;
merge have have(firstobs=2 keep=counter rename=(counter=_NextCounter));
*If there is a gap between the counter of this record and the next counter;
*increment the counter and output;
if last.user=0 then do while(counter ne _NextCounter-1);
drop _:;