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Improve inefficient nested for loop across conditional mean

I have a dataframe datav2 with the structure:

      project_id  hour cap_factor load_area  fuel capacity
17521    1000097 17902   0.753329  CA_PGE_S Solar    21.54
17522    1000097 17901   0.847296  CA_PGE_S Solar    21.54
17523    1001197 17924   0.586530  CA_PGE_S Solar     9.88
17524    2200097 25374   0.000000  CA_PGE_S Solar    44.54
17525    1077597 25414   0.635047  CA_PGE_S Wind     11.33
17526    1000097 19770   -0.39957  CA_PGE_S Solar    21.54

The dataframe is 21million rows in length. I want to loop across every row and, when a given rows df$cap_factor < 0, replace that rows df$cap_factor with the average of every other cap_factor variable that is of the same load_area, hour, and fuel, and is positive.

Thus far I have been using the following:

 datav2$cap_factor2 <-NA

for (i in 1:length(datav2$cap_factor)) {
  if (datav2[i,3] < 0)
    datav2[i,7] <-mean(datav2$cap_factor[datav2$hour == datav2[i,2] & datav2$fuel == datav2[i,5] &
                                           datav2$fuel == datav2[i,4] & datav2$cap_factor >= 0 ])
    datav2[i,7] <- datav2[i,3]}

This is very slow when looping across such a large dataset. Any suggestions on a technique to improve the efficiency of this process?


  • Calculate the means first and then join:

    structure(list(project_id = c(1000097L, 1000097L, 1001197L, 2200097L, 1077597L, 1000097L), 
                   hour = c(17902L, 17901L, 17924L, 25374L, 25414L, 19770L), 
                   cap_factor = c(0.753329, 0.847296, 0.58653, 0, 0.635047, -0.39957), 
                   load_area = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), .Label = "CA_PGE_S", class = "factor"), 
                   fuel = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("Solar", "Wind"), class = "factor"), 
                   capacity = c(21.54, 21.54, 9.88, 44.54, 11.33, 21.54)), 
              .Names = c("project_id", "hour", "cap_factor", "load_area", "fuel", "capacity"), 
              class = "data.frame", 
              row.names = c("17521", "17522", "17523", "17524", "17525", "17526"))
    d %>% subset(cap_factor > 0) %>% 
      group_by(load_area, hour, fuel) %>% 
      summarize(mcap_factor = mean(cap_factor)) %>%