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Erlang Replacing substring in string

I want to replace occurrence substring in the string with some other text in erlang.

Example for the question : I want to replace file_name1 with file_name2 text.

Input : /user/home/file_name1.txt

Output : /user/home/file_name2.txt

Description with answer appreciated! Thanks :)


  • You can use re module. Example in Erlang shell below:

    12> re:replace("erlang/merl/Makefile", "Makefile", "", [{return,list}]).
    13> re:replace("erlang/merl/Makefile", "Makefile", "", [{return,binary}]).
    14> {ok, Mp} = re:compile("Makefile").
    15> re:replace("erlang/merl/Makefile", Mp, "", [{return,list}]).

    Also if you're matching against large data, re2 may help. It's NIF library though.