I am trying convert PDF to grayscale(Black/White) PDF using Websupergoo ABCpdf.
I am referring
Doc theDoc = new Doc();
int pages = theDoc.PageCount;
MyOp.Recolor(theDoc, (WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Objects.Page)theDoc.ObjectSoup[theDoc.Page]); //Here problem
Above code works fine for single page PDf.
This Code Converts only first page of PDF
When I tried to use a loop the below error is occurring
Page Number is not the same as Page in abcPDF, so you cannot use the page number as an index into the object soup.
Try something like this instead (untested):
int pages = theDoc.PageCount;
for(int i=0; i < pages; i++)
theDoc.PageNumber = i;
MyOp.Recolor(theDoc, (WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Objects.Page)theDoc.ObjectSoup[theDoc.Page]);
Edit: The above apparently didn't work, but as the documentation you linked to shows, there's a method that takes a Doc object instead of a Page object. This should work if you change your MyOp.Recolor() method to this:
public class MyOp
public static void Recolor(Doc doc) {
RecolorOperation op = new RecolorOperation();
op.DestinationColorSpace = new ColorSpace(doc.ObjectSoup, ColorSpaceType.DeviceGray);
op.ConvertAnnotations = false;
op.ProcessingObject += Recoloring;
op.ProcessedObject += Recolored;
I am not sure what you are doing (or need to do) in the Recoloring() method or Recolored() method, but that should not matter for the changes here.