I've been having issues using nock to test my Redux action creators. When I go offline, I keep getting failed promises meaning the HTTP request using Axios was not successful. When I go online, it works, though.
So does nock only work if there is an Internet connection?
Action Creator (uses axios 0.15.3)
export const fetchSomething = (id) => {
return dispatch => {
return axios.get(`${SOMEWHERE}/something?id=${id}`)
.then(response => {
return dispatch({
payload: response.data
.catch(error => {
return dispatch({
Jest test for the action creator (nock v9.0.2)
test('should dispatch success action type if data is fetched successfully', () => {
// Need this in order for axios to work with nock
axios.defaults.adapter = require('axios/lib/adapters/http');
.reply(200, someFakeObject);
thunk = fetchSomething(123);
return thunk(dispatch)
.then(() => {
There seems to be some issues with using nock to test requests made by axios. There is an issue in nock's repository that discusses that.
I found that @supnate
's comment on that issue solved my problem. Furthermore, I had in my code a call to nock.cleanAll();
inside a beforeEach()
construct that was the main culprit of the problem.
The solution is to remove that. Don't use nock.cleanAll()
! So now everything works well to test requests made by axios:
import axios from 'axios';
import httpAdapter from 'axios/lib/adapters/http';
axios.defaults.host = SOMEWHERE; // e.g. http://www.somewhere.com
axios.defaults.adapter = httpAdapter;
describe('Your Test', () => {
test('should do something', () => {
.reply(200, { some: 'thing', bla: 123 });
// then test your stuff here