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C# compiling optimizations: null coalescing operator - UPDATED - Reflector's bug?

Greetings! I am slightly confused about how does C# compiler perform its optimizations.
I have written the following getter to make up "lazy" initialization, and default value in case of null:

Static class Helper:

private static string host;  
public static string Host  
        return host ?? (host= (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"] ?? ""));  

Here is the result of disassembling by Reflector:

public static string Host 
        if ( == null)  
            string host =;  
        return ( = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"] ?? "");  

Looks like it would work in other way than assumed...


    private static string host;
    public static string Host
            return host ?? (host = (GetVal() ?? "default"));
    static void Main(string[] args)

        host = "overwritten";
    static string GetVal()
        return "From config";

Works correctly (From config, overwritten), but Reflector shows the same:

public static string Host
        if ( == null)
            string host =;
        return ( = GetVal() ?? "default");


  • This looks like a bug in Reflector's C# disassembly.

    Starting with this code:

    public static string _test;
    public static string _setting;
    public static string Test_1
        get { return _test ?? (_setting ?? "default"); }

    Reflector shows this C# disassembly:

    public static string Test_1
            return (_test ?? (_setting ?? "default"));

    and the corresponding IL:

    .method public hidebysig specialname static string get_Test_1() cil managed
        .maxstack 8
        L_0000: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication1.Program::_test
        L_0005: dup 
        L_0006: brtrue.s L_0017
        L_0008: pop 
        L_0009: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication1.Program::_setting
        L_000e: dup 
        L_000f: brtrue.s L_0017
        L_0011: pop 
        L_0012: ldstr "default"
        L_0017: ret 

    I am not an IL expert, but this is my take on it:

    • L_0000:ldsfld pushes _test onto the evaluation stack
    • L_0005:dup copies the value (_test) that is topmost on the evaluation stack and pushes that onto the stack.
    • L_0006:brtrue.s pops the value created by dup off the stack and jumps to L_0017 if it is not null.
    • L_0008:pop at this point, _test is null, so pop that value off the stack.

    and it continues to evaluate _setting in a similar fashion, finally returning "default" if _setting is also null.

    Now, if we add an assignment into the code like this:

    public static string Test_2
        get { return _test ?? (_test = (_setting ?? "default")); }

    Reflector shows this C# disassembly:

    public static string Test_2
            if (_test == null)
                string text1 = _test;
            return (_test = _setting ?? "default");

    which is not correct (if _test is not null, instead of returning _test, it assigns _setting or "default" to _test and then returns).

    However, the IL dissassembly looks like the IL for Test_1, with a couple of extra instructions at L_0017 and L_0018 to do the assignment.

    .method public hidebysig specialname static string get_Test_2() cil managed
        .maxstack 8
        L_0000: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication1.Program::_test
        L_0005: dup 
        L_0006: brtrue.s L_001d
        L_0008: pop 
        L_0009: ldsfld string ConsoleApplication1.Program::_setting
        L_000e: dup 
        L_000f: brtrue.s L_0017
        L_0011: pop 
        L_0012: ldstr "default"
        L_0017: dup 
        L_0018: stsfld string ConsoleApplication1.Program::_test
        L_001d: ret 

    Finally, if you copy Reflector's C# dissembly and run it against the original, you'll see it produces different results.

    using System;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                _test = "Test";
            public static string _test;
            public static string _setting;
            public static string Test_1
                get { return _test ?? (_setting ?? "default"); }
            public static string Test_2
                get { return _test ?? (_test = (_setting ?? "default")); }
            public static string Reflector_Test_2
                    if (_test == null)
                        string text1 = _test;
                    return (_test = _setting ?? "default");

