I have a static website I want to deploy using Ocotpus deploy. Octopus uses nuget packages for everything so I want to turn it into a nuget package so Octopus can deploy right from my nuget feeds.
Right now I'm using this as my nuspec file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<description>My Package description</description>
<files include="build/**" />
Should I be using ContentFiles to deploy the site or is there a better way of building a package for a static website?
Better is very subjective.
If your site is in a msbuild project (static or otherwise) then plain octopack should work. Mark anything that octopack doesnt include by convention as 'Content' and it will be included.
Documentations is here: https://octopus.com/docs/packaging-applications/nuget-packages/using-octopack#UsingOctoPack-Includingwebapplicationcontentfiles
That same documentation alludes to using the 'files' section of nupsec and points to the nuspec documentation here: http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/nuspec-reference
We are using the nuspec files section to pack up all our common styles, ect:
<file src="**\*.*" target="" exclude="obj\*;bin\*;**\*.csproj;**\*.config;**\*.nuspec;**\*.less;**\*.json;grunfile.js"/>