Search code examples

Wikidata SPARQL query returns wrong results

This query, why does it return Gabriel Heinze and not Cristiano Ronaldo? Both satisfy the criteria

SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?personLabel WHERE {
  ?person wdt:P54 wd:Q18656.
  ?person wdt:P54 wd:Q75729.
  ?person wdt:P54 wd:Q8682.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }


  • Querying clubs Cristiano Ronaldo is member of, using wdt as property prefix returns only the Real Madrid FC as this statement has a higher priority rank, and wdt focuses on the highest priority rank statements.

    Unfortunatly, there is no direct substitute to wdt that would include lower priority statements, but you can use a combination of p and ps:

    Thanks for asking: researching, I finally learned what the t stands for in wdt: truthy \o/