Search code examples

Management of spell data: months spent in given state in the past 24 months

I am working with a spell dataset that has the following form:

    clear all

input persid    start   end t_start t_end   spell_type  year    spell_number    event
    1   8   9   44  45  1   1999    1   0
    1   12  12  60  60  1   2000    1   0
    1   1   1   61  61  1   2001    1   0
    1   7   11  67  71  1   2001    2   0
    1   1   4   85  88  2   2003    1   0
    1   5   7   89  91  1   2003    2   1
    1   8   11  92  95  2   2003    3   0
    1   1   1   97  97  2   2004    1   0
    1   1   3   121 123 1   2006    1   1
    1   4   5   124 125 2   2006    2   0
    1   6   9   126 129 1   2006    3   1
    1   10  11  130 131 2   2006    4   0
    1   12  12  132 132 1   2006    5   1
    1   1   12  157 168 1   2009    1   0
    1   1   12  169 180 1   2010    1   0
    1   1   12  181 192 1   2011    1   0
    1   1   12  193 204 1   2012    1   0
    1   1   12  205 216 1   2013    1   0

lab define lab_spelltype 1 "unemployment spell" 2 "employment spell"
lab val spell_type lab_spelltype

where persid is the id of the person; start and end are the months when the yearly unemployment/employment spell starts and ends, respectively; t_start and t_end are the same measures but starting to count from 1st January 1996; event is equal to 1 for the employment entries for which the previous row was an unemployment spell.

The data is such that there are no overlapping spells during a given year, and each year contiguous spells of the same type have been merged together.

My goal is, for each row such that event is 1, to compute the number of months spent as employed in the last 6 months and 24 months. In this specific example, what I would like to get is:

clear all
input persid    start   end t_start t_end   spell_type  year    spell_number    event   empl_6  empl_24
    1   8   9   44  45  1   1999    1   0   .   .
    1   12  12  60  60  1   2000    1   0   .   .
    1   1   1   61  61  1   2001    1   0   .   .
    1   7   11  67  71  1   2001    2   0   .   .
    1   1   4   85  88  2   2003    1   0   .   .
    1   5   7   89  91  1   2003    2   1   0   5
    1   8   11  92  95  2   2003    3   0   .   .
    1   1   1   97  97  2   2004    1   0   .   .
    1   1   3   121 123 1   2006    1   1   0   0
    1   4   5   124 125 2   2006    2   0   .   .
    1   6   9   126 129 1   2006    3   1   3   3
    1   10  11  130 131 2   2006    4   0   .   .
    1   12  12  132 132 1   2006    5   1   4   7
    1   1   12  157 168 1   2009    1   0   .   .
    1   1   12  169 180 1   2010    1   0   .   .
    1   1   12  181 192 1   2011    1   0   .   .
    1   1   12  193 204 1   2012    1   0   .   .
    1   1   12  205 216 1   2013    1   0   .   .

So the idea is that I have to go back to rows preceding each event==1 entry and count how many months the individual was employed.

Can you suggest a way to obtain this final result? Some suggested to expand the dataset, but perhaps there are better ways to tackle the problem (especially because the dataset is quite large).


The correct labeling of the employment status is:

lab define lab_spelltype 1 "employment spell" 2 "unemployment spell"

The number of past months spent in employment (empl_6 and empl_24) and the definition of event are now correct with this label.


  • A solution to the problem is to:

    • expand the data so to have it monthly,
    • fill in the gap months with tsfill and finally,
    • use sum() and lag operators to get the running sum for the last 6 and 24 months.

    See also Robert solution for some ideas I borrowed.

    Important: this is almost surely not an efficient way to solve the issue, especially if the data is large (as in my case). However, the plus is that one actually "sees" what happens in background to make sure the final result is the one desired.

    Also, importantly, this solution takes into account cases where 2 (or more) events happen within 6 (or 24) months from each other.

    clear all
    input persid    start   end t_start t_end   spell_type  year    spell_number    event
        1   8   9   44  45  1   1999    1   0
        1   12  12  60  60  1   2000    1   0
        1   1   1   61  61  1   2001    1   0
        1   7   11  67  71  1   2001    2   0
        1   1   4   85  88  2   2003    1   0
        1   5   7   89  91  1   2003    2   1
        1   8   11  92  95  2   2003    3   0
        1   1   1   97  97  2   2004    1   0
        1   1   3   121 123 1   2006    1   1
        1   4   5   124 125 2   2006    2   0
        1   6   9   126 129 1   2006    3   1
        1   10  11  130 131 2   2006    4   0
        1   12  12  132 132 1   2006    5   1
        1   1   12  157 168 1   2009    1   0
        1   1   12  169 180 1   2010    1   0
        1   1   12  181 192 1   2011    1   0
        1   1   12  193 204 1   2012    1   0
        1   1   12  205 216 1   2013    1   0
    lab define lab_spelltype 1 "employment" 2 "unemployment"
    lab val spell_type lab_spelltype
    * generate Stata monthly dates
    gen spell_start = ym(year,start)
    gen spell_end = ym(year,end)
    format %tm spell_start spell_end
    * expand to monthly data
    gen n = spell_end - spell_start + 1
    expand n, gen(expanded)
    sort persid year spell_number (expanded)
    bysort persid year spell_number: gen month = spell_start + _n - 1
    by persid year spell_number: replace event = 0 if _n > 1
    format %tm month
    * xtset, fill months gaps with "empty" rows, use lags and cumsum to count past months in employment
    xtset persid month, monthly // %tm format
    bysort persid (month): gen cumsum = sum(spell_type) if spell_type==1
    bysort persid (month): replace cumsum = cumsum[_n-1] if cumsum==.
    bysort persid (month): gen m6  = cumsum-1 - L7.cumsum if event==1  // "-1" otherwise it sums also current empl month
    bysort persid (month): gen m24 = cumsum-1 - L25.cumsum if event==1
    drop if event==.
    list persid start end year m* if event