I am trying to do a tutorial for making an Android application using osmdroid with android Studio, but I didn't succeed to use the library I download on https://github.com/osmdroid/osmdroid
My questions are following :
Where do I have to put the folder download at: github.com/osmdroid/osmdroid ? I don't find any libs folder in home/android/sdk.
Which version I have to put in this command:
dependencies {
compile 'org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:(INSERT_VERSION_HERE):release@aar'
. I don't know how to find it.
Follow the steps at https://github.com/osmdroid/osmdroid/blob/master/README.md
You don't have to download anything manually. Open your build.gradle
and add the following lines (or amend your already existing sections):
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.osmdroid:osmdroid-android:5.6.5'
For a list of released osmdroid versions see https://github.com/osmdroid/osmdroid/releases. Currently the newest release is 5.6.5 (as of Feb 4th, 2017).