We have Multiple products, all are using one SSO (Single Sign On & Registration). So when visiting product A: www.AAA.com, the user (when register or sign-in) will have to go to: sso.mainsite.com to go through registration or login, then it will redirect him to the product page that he came from.
I want to track unique users properly so:
We have Analytics Account for the main site (inc. SSO) and an account for product A. I'm having difficult time:
I know i'm asking a lot, but i'm having difficult time knowing what is the best approach, not to damage any statistics. Thank you!
If you want to track the session on www.AAA.com without interruption it should be enough to add sso.mainsite.com to the referral exclusion list in the property settings in www.AAA.com's GA account.
That way sso.mainsite.com will not appear as a referrer, instead the session including channel attribution will be continued when you redirect back from sso.mainsite.com. This will completely ignore the pageviews on your sso page.
The alternative would be to set up cross domain tracking, if you want to include the detour to sso.mainsite.com into the tracking. That would be somewhat complicated, and unless you signal that this is really what you want I will not even bother to explain the setup.