I configure Baidu map in my code using pod 'BaiduMapKit
' and display map in view.
how to set a marker at my current location in Baidu Map and change camera position also?
// now I solve how to set marker but actually my camera location not move.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
anotation = [[BMKPointAnnotation alloc]init];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coor;
coor.latitude = 22.2593;
coor.longitude = 70.7777;
anotation.coordinate = coor;
anotation.title = @"this is rajkot";
[mapView addAnnotation:anotation];
mapView.delegate = self;
CLLocationCoordinate2D coor;
coor.latitude = 22.2593;
coor.longitude = 70.7777;
mapView.centerCoordinate = coor
try this to change the camera