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SQLite singleton class in Swift ( FMDB wrapper )

I am working on Swift singleton class to integrate SQLite easily ( Using FMDB wrapper class )

Simple methods to create database in directory, insert and fetch data.

Bridging support for FMDB Objective C usage in Swift.

let contactDB = FMDatabase(path: String(methodToCreateDatabase()!.absoluteString) )

if {

    let insertSQL = strQuery

    let result = contactDB.executeUpdate(insertSQL,
                withArgumentsInArray: nil)

    if !result {
                print("Failed to add contact")
                print("Error: \(contactDB.lastErrorMessage())")
        return false
    } else {
        print("Contact Added")
                return true
} else {
     print("Error: \(contactDB.lastErrorMessage())")
     return false


  • Swift singleton manager class to integrate SQLite easily and quickly.

    Source code -

    • SingleTonManager class

    • Swift language

    • Use of FMDB

    • Array return for select statement

    • Boolean flag for insert, update and delete statement

    Method to create database


    Method to insert, update and delete data

    if LocalDatabase.sharedInstance.methodToInsertUpdateDeleteData("INSERT INTO CONTACTS_TABLE (name, address, phone) VALUES ('Demo1', 'Demo2', 123)")
        NSLog("Store Successfully.")
        NSLog("Failled to store in database.")

    Method to select data

    LocalDatabase.sharedInstance.methodToSelectData("SELECT * FROM CONTACTS_TABLE")