We use scrum with our development, we often create task/ticket for developer, and I want to find a way
to record them. But I hava a refused question, that is one way to record them. one way is write on
whiteboards, the other way is write on Agile project management tool(Pivotal Tracker), I think they
are duplicate, so which is better?
It depends who cares about the tasks.
In teams very new to Scrum, devs can split stories in to tasks to get a better idea of estimates, collaborate on work, etc. For this reason, whatever the devs prefer should be the way forward. Usually a dev will prefer to put tasks on a card, or a whiteboard, or something close to the workspace, but some devs do prefer electronic systems. I find the act of moving a card or writing on a board gives a sense of commitment to a task or story, so I prefer this.
Sometimes the PM prefers to have the tasks so that he can see if a story is 65% done, etc.
Every single time I've seen this it ends up with the PM telling the devs off for not finishing their stories when they said they would, or saying, "It was 85% done yesterday! How can you not have finished it?" This happens a lot with new teams, where devs often prefer to do the easy bits first, or they don't know how to integrate their work with others' yet.
The thing is, there is no value whatsoever in the tasks! It's only possible to get useful feedback by delivering the stories, even if they don't represent completed features but just slices through the system. The tasks themselves are only valuable for the iteration until the stories are completed, so no historic record is needed. PMs who value the tasks often end up with part-done stories and nothing to release or showcase.
For this reason, I would try not to duplicate the tasks for my recording efforts, but just to let the devs make the tasks themselves and put them wherever they want to. It's easy enough to count tasks manually for a burn-down.