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IntelliJ IDEA / Scala - cannot read resources

I have had this problem before, but it has been a while. Now it resurfaced: I am having an sbt-build based Scala project in IntelliJ IDEA, and when I launch a run config, the program does not find resources via getResource or getResourceAsStream. It did work before, so definitely the paths in my code are correct. For example, here is a view of the project browser:

enter image description here

You can see that the resources directory is correctly marked, and so "/at/iem/sysson/color-tables.bin" should be found. Here is the reader code:

package at.iem.sysson

object Main {
  lazy val colorTables: Map[String, ColorPaletteTable] = {
    val is = Main.getClass.getResourceAsStream("color-tables.bin")

This used to work in IntelliJ, it still works when running through sbt or creating a standalone application. But now with my run config from IntelliJ it is broken - getResourceAsStream returns null.

I have already deleted the .idea project and recreated it from scratch. I have also quit and restarted IntelliJ. The resources are definitely marked:

enter image description here

What's wrong? It looks related to this, but deleting and recreating the run configuration does not help. I do get /usr/bin/java -Didea.launcher.port=7537 ..., but the resources directory is simply missing from the -classpath.


  • The same has just happened to me (IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.5).

    When I looked into the target/scala-2.11/classes dir, the resource dirs/files were missing.

    Just rebuilding the project didn't help, but deleting target/scala-2.11/classes and rebuilding did.