I am attempting to use the google-api-client-ruby gem to interface with Google calendar.
I have succesfully setup a channel to watch for events, but I'm struggling to use the stop_channel method to stop watching for events.
The source code looks like it takes a channel object, but if I create a channel object and pass it to the stop_channel method, I get:
Error - Google::Apis::ClientError: required: Required
My code..
channel = Google::Apis::CalendarV3::Channel.new(address: "https://www.google.com/", id: 1, type: "web_hook")
rescue => error
puts error
Am I doing something wrong or is the gem not working?..
Your error Google::Apis::ClientError: required: Required
means that the request is invalid and should not be retried without modification.
Also, I have seen this sample code that uses stop_channel
def stop_channel(channel_id, resource_id)
channel = Google::Apis::CalendarV3::Channel.new(
id: channel_id,
resource_id: resource_id