I am using cvtColor to convert an image from YUYV format to RGB24. The output is fine as far as color is concerned but half of the image is cut. The image is 640x480 YUYV image buffer without any headers. I am using the following code:
FILE* fd = fopen("imgdump", "r+b");
char buffer[640*480*2]; // Each pixel takes two bytes in YUYV
if (fd != NULL)
fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 640*480*2, fd);
Mat s_sImageMat = Mat(640, 480, CV_8UC2);
Mat s_sConvertedImageMat;
cout << "before conversion\n";
s_sImageMat.data = (uchar*) buffer;
cvtColor(s_sImageMat, s_sConvertedImageMat, CV_YUV2RGB_YUYV);
cout << "after conversion\n";
FILE* fw = fopen("converted", "w+b");
if (fw != NULL)
fwrite((char*)s_sConvertedImageMat.data, sizeof(char), 640*480*2, fw);
Original file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0YG1rjiNkBUQ0ZuaWN6Y1E2LUU/view?usp=sharing
Additional info: I am using opencv 3.2
The issue seems to be in the following line :
fwrite((char*)s_sConvertedImageMat.data, sizeof(char), 640*480*2, fw);
For RGB24, it should be be :
fwrite((char*)s_sConvertedImageMat.data, sizeof(char), 640*480*3, fw);
Each pixel is 3 bytes in RGB24