I'm building a website where students can complete exercises. When a students starts an exercise I add a solution to the students TFS repository. I want to open this solution in Visual Studio from the browser. If it works students will only need to click once to start an exercise.
It is possible to open Visual Studio from the TFS dashboard:
The decoded base64encodedstring looks like this:
vstfs:///Framework/TeamProject/<GUID>?url=<url to teamproject>
Googling the vstfs protocol doesn't give me much extra info. The best resource I found was: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb130164.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
This page only explains some general concepts:
vstfs:///<tooltype>/<artifacttype>/<tool-specific id>
The different possibilities for tooltype are not explained.
What would be the correct vstfs command to not only open Visual Studio but open a solution as well?
I'm using TFS 2015 (on prem) and Visual Studio 2015.
To start Visual Studio and open a .sln file from a TFS 2015 web page, this could be achieved by following the steps below: