i use netbeans 8.1 and i would like to debug my remote nodejs project. So i create a new "php Application from remote server". Now i can code on my remote project. But is it also possible to run and debug this project directly from the netbeans ide?
you may use some available plugins on the netbeans site
like http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/36653/nodejs
Download netbeans 8.x.x On windows, 1) NetBeans > Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Node.js > Default run command: node D:\WorkSpace\UI\app.js
2) NetBeans > Tools >Options > General > Web Browser > Chrome > Edit > Arguments: http://localhost:8702/#/orders
3) Right-click app.js and "Run with Node.js". This should start your node.
4) Then just simply "Run Project" to access UI locally on Chrome via NetBeans