Following is the code I wrote for Weibull Distribution which generates data which will fit a Weibull distribution and try to plot the same
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = stats.exponweib.rvs(a=1, c=2.09, scale=10.895, loc=0, size=2500)
plt.plot(data, stats.exponweib.pdf(data, *, 1, 1, scale=02, loc=0))
_ = plt.hist(data, bins = np.linspace(0, 16, 33), normed=True, alpha=0.5)
My Question :-
I want a single line interpolation over the bins, why I am getting messed up plot ?
The matplotlib plot
function plots the curve connecting the points in the order in which the points are given. To get the curve that you expect, sort data
before plotting it. E.g.:
data = stats.exponweib.rvs(a=1, c=2.09, scale=10.895, loc=0, size=2500)
plt.plot(data, stats.exponweib.pdf(data, *, 1, 1, scale=2, loc=0)))