Custom error message not working for custom rule, see variable $messages uniqueTeamNameForcomp.
Custom rule is fine, custom message for rule:required is fine also.
The error message that shows for the rule uniqueTeamNameForComp is "unique_team_name_for_comp" when it should be reading the error message "This name already exist for this competition".
public function store(Request $request){
$rules = [
'name' => 'required|uniqueTeamNameForComp:'.$request->compzid,
'compz' => 'required'
$messages = array(
'uniqueTeamNameForComp' => 'This name already exist for this competition',
'required' => 'this works'
public function boot()
Validator::extend('uniqueTeamNameForComp', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
$competitionId = $parameters[0];
return count(Tteam::where("comp_id", "=", $competitionId)->whereName($value)->get()) == 0;
The output you're seeing from Laravel is actually giving you a hint. It expects the custom messages to be keyed by the validation rule in snake case, not camel case.
$messages = array(
'unique_team_name_for_comp' => 'This name already exist for this competition',
'required' => 'this works'