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Is there a refund webhook for Braintree?

I didn't find some refund webhook in webhooks list.

Is Disbursment webhook something what can help me in this case ?

[Edit #1]: I've tested it and found that Disbursment webhook won't trigger after refund button is clicked in Braintree sandbox admin.

So I presume there is no webhook for refunds. For now I ended up with scheduled cron task to get refund transactions from the Braintree API:

$collection = Braintree_Transaction::search([

P.S. hey, downvoters, why wouldn't you argument your opinion in comments? At least it could be helpful for someone who will find this thread.


  • Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.

    Braintree does not have a webhook which fires when a refund is created. Webhooks are used for asynchronous events—in other words, events which are not triggered directly by an API call made by your integration. You get immediate feedback on the success or failure of a refund via the result object from the refund API call. Use that result to trigger whatever action you wanted to take when a refund occurs.

    (If what you're actually looking for is to get information when a refund transaction disburses—i.e., when the funds for a refund are moved out of your bank account—then you actually do want a disbursement webhook. Disbursements represent the sum of your incoming and outgoing funds.)