So I am looking for a faster way to query something in a smartsheet. The API is very helpful, but the search function is very limited.
As of now, it works, but it is very very slow. The longer the list, the longer it takes to populate the list.
Whenever a cad user changes the combobox to their name, I search the sheet based on their name in the cbUsers.Text
Private Sub cbUsers_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cbUsers.SelectedIndexChanged
If listJobQue.Items.Count > 0 Then
End If
Dim ss As New SmartSheetIntegration()
Dim result As SearchResult
result = ss.SearchQue(1737025469605764, cbUsers.Text)
For Each searchResult As SearchResultItem In result.Results
If searchResult.ObjectType = SearchObjectType.ROW Then
Dim rowID As Long
rowID = searchResult.ObjectId
rowIDs.Add(rowID) 'this stores the IDs for later use when they click on an item in the list box.
Dim row As Row = ss.GetRow(3083654818752388, "LIVE RFD INPUT", rowID)
End If
End Sub
The SearchQue() is here
Public Function SearchQue(sheetID As Int64, name As String)
Return smartSheet.SearchResources.SearchSheet(sheetID, name)
End Function
Does anyone know of a faster and more efficient way of doing this?
This is the fastest way.
Problem was integrating this with a Rhino3D plugin. That was the cause of the poor performance.
Wrote a test desktop app in c#, brought in 600 rows without a hiccup.